Name of School             : SMA NEGERI I BINAMU
Lesson                       Biology
Class/ Semester             : X/ 1
Meeting                       : 2
Time Allocation            :  2 x 45 minutes
Competence Standard   :  2. Comprehend the principles of living things classification
Basic Competence          :  2.2  Describe the characteristics of Archaebacteria and
                                                   Eubacteria also their rules in life

"click link baca selengkapnya below to read more"

A.  Indicator of Learning
1.                                 Write down the characteristics of Eubacteria
2.                                Explain the structures and functions of Eubacteria
3.                                Explain the reproduction of Eubacteria
4.                                Describe the rules of Eubacteria in human life
B.  Objectives of Learning
1.     The students be able to write down the characteristics of Eubacteria based on literatures
2.    The students be able to explain the structures and functions of Eubacteria
3.    The students be able to explain the reproduction of Eubacteria
4.    The students be able to describe the positive rules of Eubacteria in human life
5.    The students be able to describe the negative rules of Eubacteria in human life
C.  Subject Material
1.     The shape and colony of eubacteria cell
2.    Cell structure of eubacteria
3.    Way of eubacteria life
4.    Reproduction of eubacteria
D.  Learning Model
·         Problem Based Learning
E.  Learning Method
·         Contextual
F.  Learning Approach
·         Scientific
G.   Steps of Learning
Time Allocation
Early Activities
·         The teacher open the learning and please the students to pray of study according to their religion.
·         Apperception: The teacher ask the students about the previous material and explain about the bacteria classification shortly.
·         Looking forward the students will show the attitudes brave to describe their opinion when the teacher ask them.
Phase 1 (Student orientation to problem)
·         The teacher show the pictures of some people who get disease caused by bacteria. Then, motivates students through give explanation about the importance human to learn deeply about bacteria in order to reduce the problem (find solution of problem).
·         The teacher convey the learning objective that will be reach, to make the students is focus toward the subject material.

3 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

Main activities
Phase 2 (Organize student to study)
  • The teacher show a picture of bacteria and then show the concept map about material, they are the characteristic, classification, rules, classification, etc in order to make students easy to understand.
·         The teacher divide the students into some groups, which every group has 4-5 peoples. Every group gave a reading material about bacteria.
Phase 3 (The teacher give a guidance toward the students)
·         The teacher give a guidance for students to make a questions based on material which have done read before, summarize the main ideas, and predict the material that will be discuss in the next meeting.
Phase 4 (Develop and show their work)
·         The teacher help the students to plan and prepare their work such as a report.
·         The teacher aim the students to write down their discussion, and also help them to divided task with their friends.

Phase 5 (Analyze and evaluate the process of problem solving)
·         The teacher help the students to do reflection or evaluate their work and the processes that they used.
·         The teacher do correction together with students. Give the true clarification, give a reinforcement and process of drawing a conclusion.

5 minutes

12 minutes

5 minutes

5 minutes

Closing activities
  • The teacher assign the students to make a summary of material that they learned in this meeting.
  • The teacher convey information about the material which will be learn in the next meeting.
  • The teacher assign the students to look for some literatures about the next learning.
  • The class chairman guide their friend to end the learning to say a greetings.

5 minutes

H.  Tools/ Materials/ Source
·                     Biology Book ”SMA kelas X”
·                     Reading materials about bacteria
·                     Power point
I.   Assessment
·         Student’s activities
·         Assignments
                                                                           Binamu, June     2015                
Known By,
School Headmaster                                              Teacher

(Drs. Usman, M.Pd)                                               (Noviana Astuti Irna Sakir)

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